While it might seem that the Club was carrying on fairly well through the war, it. was not without a good deal of internal strife. All the Flag Officers had resigned at the A.G.M. in May 1940 to take up various war commitments. Glynn Terrell was elected Commodore, Cecil Dormer Vice and Brian Neal, owner of the R.B.O.D. JADE was Rear. In December 1941, on Dormers retirement, Neal became Vice and Warwick Smith was again Rear. Glynn had had a short period as Vice Commodore in 1936 which ended in a row.
In keeping the Club running during the next 4~/2 years, as Commodore, Glynn Terrell achieved some success and would have liked to continue for a further period. He had a very high handed manner and inevitably fell out with a number of members, notably Joe Wylie Patterson and Bo Booth. He made various attempts to vary the rule limiting Flag Officers term of office to three years, and ignored it anyway. At a remarkable A.G.M. in December 1943, he claimed that in 1936 the Extraordinary General Meeting had not been properly conducted: there had been no substantive motion and therefore the amendment bringing in the three year rule was not valid. He may well have been right; this was the meeting of which the minutes were so unclear.